With 45


The 2020 election was no run of the mill Presidential election. It was unique — in many ways, but that’s not what this post is focused on. Let’s just look at what it took to defeat President Trump — even IF we consider it legit.

IT took EVERY SINGLE major cultural institution, including Hollywood Film, TV, and musical celebrities coming out against him, all major schools and universities, ALL professional athletes and coaches, … two fake-case rush impeachments with NO CHANCE TO DEFEND HIMSELF, PLUS Facebook, Google, Twitter and AMAZON suppressing FACTS and SILENCING HIS VOICE… plus ALL OF THE MAJOR MEDIA outlets of broadcast television, major newspapers presenting 99% negative press on The President for Five Years straight, a worldwide PANDEMIC and GOVERNORS SHUTTING DOWN their states for almost a year, corrupting the virus numbers, and devastating tens of thousands of SMALL BUSINESSES in the U.S. … a CORRUPT THREE-YEAR investigation trying to connect Trump to Russia which was begun by his political opponent Hillary Cinton….It took FAKE FISA warrants that involved the FBI, CIA, NSA…. and FBI Agents betraying their Commander in Chief by doctoring documents against him, arresting his allies, and taking vengeance against high-profile people who support him.ALL OF THIS and President Trump STILL won the legitimage vote in THIS election and would be taking Office again but for Democrats INSISTING on Breaking State Election Laws and the widespread act of Ballot Harvesing and sending out of Absentee Ballots, and stopping the BALLOT COUNT at 10 PM on election night in Swing States only so they could perpetrate the biggest and most Massive Voter Fraud Scheme in history…. When that was done and thousands of people STILL told about the misdeeds they saw and the election laws broken…. then THEY STILL Could NOT let us present the EVIDENCE in court — judges had to refuse to let the case move forward or it would have been obvious and it was unpredictable what would happen…. At that point…. still not done, it also took a SETUP of Antifa to AGITATE and instigate violence at the Capitol on the day courageous Congress people presented the evidence of fraud….and the day that MILLIONS of Trump Supporters were there to show our love of our President and our belief that he won, trying to be heard… But in an attempt at a death knell, Antifa agitators were sent in (along with the CNN camera girl to film it)…. so all of the above could blame Trump and hopefully get his 75M+ Patriot supporters to turn on him so he never had another chance…It took ALL of that to Defeat the President of the People, Donald John Trump, the 45th President of the United States, who at this moment is still our President….

And WE 75M+ PATRIOTS are STILL WITH HIM!THAT, my friends, is a WINNER….. A LEGEND…. A BELOVED President.But the fact is that Joe Biden will be our non-elected but installed anyway President. We know it, they know it, we know they know it… and there’s nothing we can do about it this time….PLUS… The Democrats have both houses and it would be pointless to have Trump be President right now anyway as he would immediately be impeached for the 2,382nd time and then he would be removed by the Senate. It’s time for Patriots (all of us) to come to terms with what has happened….. Take a break, a breather, do some healing, then come back strong to fight another day….. I am not giving up in the Big Picture…. But we lost this battle and need to quit hoping otherwise…. We are Warriors and simply need to restrategize…. We need to prepare to fight another day…. We will NEVER GIVE UP, We will NEVER GIVE IN, and we will NEVER accept the United States being a Socialist Country.

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