With 45

Defund the Police Then This

Yes, some cops are jerks sometimes because they’re human, but the vast majority are just trying to do their jobs, help their community, and get by in life to live another day and raise their kids and grandkids and have a BBQ on the weekend… Without these brave souls…. we are left with complete and total mayhem… THEN HERE’S WHAT HAPPENS….

#RealityCheckForDummies — I’ll just say this.. I would not want to be on the other side of some of those AR-15 owners who definitely take “the law” into their own hands without a police department. Most of them know they should call the cops for trouble before handling it themselves right now — but if you DEFUND the police and there are none to call —These Citizens with weapons WILL do the job that the cops used to do…. they’ll protect themselves, their families, and what’s theirs. I might add, most of them know how to skin a squirrel, a rabbit, and cut up a deer pretty good… for what it’s worth. 😉

Besides that, there will also be … many everyday yoga-class citizens as well as children and the elderly left defenseless because they don’t own guns, don’t know how to use them, or are too scared to use them even if they know. This is where Israel gets it right — I hear everyone gets military training… though that might be passe now….

Back to the main topic…

… Not a Thing can justify destroying the businesses of all of the people of all colors including immigrants from around the world who came to America and DID, in fact, build their American dream only to have it looted and pillaged. People of all colors who worked night and day to be a contribution to their communities… only to have it to be destroyed in a matter of hours by lazy, soulless, anonymous cowardly opportunistic thieves, criminals, and political anarchists — also of many colors — taking what does NOT belong to them. This is not okay in the United States, so please pray for these lootin’ Lost Souls that they soon get invited to a church, a synagogue or a mosque to ask for forgiveness and to find their soul which has clearly left their body.

Some sets of the political, media and academic elite ignore this violent destruction of small businesses from COVID and the ANARCHY like it’s a cost of doing business. — I assure you that’s not a line item deduction on any standard corporate tax form, so no. It’s not. Why are these elite so callous? It’s because “[Those business owners] didn’t build that…” Remember? I do.

VIOLENCE IS OKAY — Some of our fellow citizens — even if they didn’t do the violent destruction and kill any of the dozen innocent victims who have been murdered and beaten to death in the riots — well, some of our fellow citizens feel the violence is justified because they are angry? You know what? There are plenty things that I feel ANGRY about with our government, but I’m not going to make other innocent citizens suffer because of my pain. That’s bad karma for starters. It will also simply perpetuate it and MAKE SURE the pain and suffering remains. I understand it psychologically…. but I have enough sense to know that if I lash out… it never helps my cause…. it perpetuates the angst and makes me feel worse… But then I have a conscience…. so…

Back to the foolish people supporting defunding police departments? I mean… come on, maaaaaan…. All of these same elite twits will be the first to complain when they need the cops and they take 5 minutes too long to respond…. Officers are being SHOT and QUITTING every single day because of these virtue-signaling, short-sighted, heartless people.

OR maybe these these same self-righteous people plan to call Corn Poppin’ Joe Biden to kick some butt when their home is being broken into or their abusive ex-spouse shows up in the middle of the night…. Yeah, maybe that’s it… they’re planning on calling Corn Poppin’ Biden to help… since he’s always talking about how he’s ready to fight Very similar to my Grandpa who, at 80 years old, thought he could take on a wrestler at the WWE who walked by him (at a show) and pumped a threatening fist at him. 😀

This is truly insane. And I do not buy the gaslighting they are throwing. This is insanity… And it is all becoming clearer for me day by day. Thank God! Now we do what must be done. And the answer is not retaliation…. Stay present.

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