** IMPORTANT CONCEPT (Updated 8/11/22) ** — I had observed a phenomenon but I didn’t know there was a name for it, but there is… see image: “Hegelian Dialectic”… And this is what I had figured out that I now have a name for:
We know Dem Leaders (aka Govt) don’t actually care about anyone but themselves. But the way you get and hold power is pretending you care about SOME people and not others, so you can get The People to fight against one another and subdivide themselves… because that keeps us Weak. This is an element of the Hegelian Dialectic.
Here’s how it works: They give highly obvious favored treatment to Group #1 over Group #2. Then they keep stoking victimhood more and more AND MORE with Group #1 to get them to believe they’ve long been victimized and still are being treated badly and deserve preferential better treatment, which the Govt then gives them… and they tell them the past mistreatment also needs to be compensated for… Meanwhile anger is growing in both Groups as the Govt stokes it for its own purposes.
Then the Govt raises the stakes and the non-equity some more — taking from Group #2 to give to Group #1, and DEMONIZING Group #2 while doing so…
Then as Group #1 receives what has been taken from Group #2, they begin to feel TWO THINGS:
1) They feel like *SH** about themselves because they either now believe they ARE helpless victims
2) They know they’re not and they realize what is happening actually makes them LOOK HELPLESS — and their voice is suppressed about not needing the pity of the Govt because they know they are powerful and the projection of helplessness is upsetting to them.
So either way, they feel badly about themselves or they feel stuck and now somewhat helpless to stop the projection — but either way they resent the whole situation.
This cycle continues until both Groups resent each other en masse and they hate the Govt too! Group #1 hates them because now they think the Govt is not doing enough; and Group #2 hates them because they are being ripped off and now they are also “victimized.”
Then at some point Group #1 protests and gets violent because they STILL believe they are not getting enough — no matter how much they’ve been given (a result of low self-esteem and dependency). Group #2 is also pushed to the brink and does the same.
Meanwhile in a two-party Govt, the leaders of each side continue to stoke the victimhood of their Group — but the Group that is in charge gets the final say (for a time).
Everyone keeps pushing and pushing, and poking the bear until Group #2 can’t take it or won’t take it anymore and then there is some sort of combustion! And now the Govt says: “SEE! I told you they were like that.”
It’s like when a woman accuses a man of cheating and he’s not doing so and she nags and nags and nags… Eventually, he either says, I can’t handle this nagging and he goes out and has an affair, or if he is a good guy instead of a cheater, then he will say, I can’t take this and get a divorce and marry the cute girl at the office who always liked him but he had never cheated with. But the ex-wife will say, “SEE, I knew it all along! He’s a piece of crap.”
But what Group #1 doesn’t see is this. Let’s say the Govt who “champions” Group #1 COMPLETELY and irrevocably takes over. So the Group #1 constituents are happy, happy. What Group #1 doesn’t see is that NOW, the govt doesn’t have to try to win any of them over (like now with outrageous inflation and taxation, for example)… so the One-Party govt doesn’t have to please anyone at all! Or if they pretend to still try, they will now divide THAT group…. further and champion a smaller and SMALLER segment of the population to keep their power… (EX: They say 2 and 3 and 4 year olds can choose their gender at a young age and should get puberty blockers. They know this is ridiculous. But if you don’t support that — they say — then you’re against the entire LGBTQ population — and then that group becomes Group #1. So by then they are subdividing their Group #1 to keep their power — since they’ve successfully done away with, silenced, and neutralized the voice of Group #2. That’s how the Hegelian Dialectic works. To say it simply:
The Leftists-Marxists-Communists CREATE problems and propagandize/sell their PERCEPTION to the population. Then they stoke the fire. Like community organizers — they INTENTIONALLY CAUSE problems… to keep the populous as divided and small as possible. Which hasn’t been easy in a large country like the United States.
This concept explains why Democrats WANT the two-tiered justice to be OBVIOUS… because THEN it will little by little enrage Group #2, cause more and more upset and get a REACTION at some point leading to a Combustion when they can’t take it anymore — which is ideal for their purposes because THEN the Democrat-led Govt can say, “SEEEEEEE, I told you so…” Meanwhile, Group #1 is also enraged and causing even more Combustion and Destruction — which the Govt ALSO CAUSED — but to keep the RIVALRY of the two sides going, the same and worse acts by Group #1 go unpunished — once again, further stoking the fire on both sides — as the Demo leaders cheer on Group #1: “That’s right… Destroy it all — [Except where we are] — yes, you destroy it all, I understand… you’ve been mistreated…. tear it up… tear it down, burn it up… and defund the police…. do what you want…. ” — and then the Democrat Leaders LAUGH at the fact that Group #1 is now destroying their own community and ensuring a lack of acceptance into the mainstream capitalist society with opportunity… The Democrat Leaders indeed laugh… THAT is why Hillary and Nancy and Kamala have their evil laughs… They are laughing at how they have manipulated their own Constituents while taking down the opposition at the same time… For proof, look at how inner cities REMAIN THE SAME under Democrat control — crime-infested, illiterate, angry, and impoverished…. The Democrats want it that way. Finally…
Lest we buy into another incorrect assumption: Democrats are NOT doing any of this because they are nice, good, or moral… when they let their corrupt and criminal buddies off the hook and promote them… and when they let their Group #1 get away with murder, rape, and pillage.
Power hungry leaders like this can’t stand the constitutents of Group #1 — but they are human-chattel, which has value in that way. Likewise, they can’t stand the other leaders in their party because each of them is trying to usurp all the power for themselves.
Everyone, to them — the contituents of the Group they “SHOW” favor to and their fellow leaders — are nothing but useful idiots on their journey to TOTAL AUTHORITY and CONTROL. They love power like a rock star on drugs loves performing at a stadium…. They feel like a God… on one hand… but are serving the aspect of themselves which is nothing more than that which make a two-year-old happy when he throws something that knocks something down… It’s an expression of power… And the Hegelian Dialect is one tool they use to get and keep it.