With 45

Political Left Changes Definitions and labels to control the narrative to their liking

One of the key plays of a Political Left’s insurgency on a Democracy is to seize control and change the language of that culture — and keep the peoples of that culture on edge and in fear of saying the wrong thing.

They consistently change the names of the things, the meanings and defintions, the implications and intonations of words that have always been used.

They also take commonly used words out of circulation and imbue upon them a racist, sexist, mysogynist or xenophobic meaning that had not been there prior and in doing so establish the idea that someone who continues to use that word is shown to be a person of low character.

Over time these have included the many changes to how American citizens of African descent should be referred to. Over time there was a common term that was considered acceptable — never including the “n” word in that — but over time, there would be one term that was acceptable, then it became a bad word and a new word had to be used. Then after a while that would be replaced, and so on… from colored, to Negroes, to Black to African Americans, to people of color and so on.

Amongst my Black friends, most of whom are successful middle class citizens, they refer to themselves as Black and sometimes as African American, but they have always moved between either of those two terms very fluidly without consideration. In other words, it’s not an issue they’re living their lives. But amongst some of the white, progressive, leftist fringe, if you’re not using the correct name for that year, then they will label you an absolute racist.

They are now changing the use of woman, man, mother and father, even in the halls of Congress. Their are bills that are written in which you cannot refer to a mother who gives actual birth to a child as “mother,” but instead they believe it is POLITICALLY INCORRECT because they now literally believe (so they say) that “men can give birth to.”  Because of that, they opt for using THEIR politically correct term “birthing person.” 

For the uninformed, YES, this is really happening. For real.  And also for the now shocked reader who might ask “WHAAATT???? WHY would they do this or how does that fit for anyone?” let me explain their reasoning. Their idea is that a person who was BORN with female genitalia (who they don’t want to refer to as  a woman) — so a person born of the female sex who THINKS they are a man or who IDENTIFIES as a man…. Well.. the LEFT says THEY can give birth — which of course they can because they are a woman. 

But… the kicker is… if they “identify” as a man and are now giving birth because they are biologically a woman AND therefore they no longer want to be called a “mother,” they shall now be referred to as a “birthing person.” This could be okay, BUT IT DOESN’T STOP THERE… 

In the language of a Congressional bill, the Progressive-Regressives DO NOT WANT “mother” to be exclusionary to these exceptions  (of a woman who identifies as a male and doesn’t want to be called a mom) — so to be inclusionary of this, ALL language which previously referred to “mother”  — which has been used throughout the history of humanity — instead of being “mom”, she-it-they-he who giveth birth shall be known as a “birthing person.”

A final example to attempt to grasp the seriousness of this… You know The Supreme Court of the United States? Joe Biden’s nominee of Kentanji Brown Jackson was asked by a Senator in her confirmation hearing, “What is a woman?” And her answer was: “I can’t answer that, sir, I am not a biologist.” REALLY? Okay… When I told this to a friend of mine, the friend said maybe she was offended by such a stupid question. But I would beg to differ. The implications are this. For one the woman had made a number of Far Left judgements in the past. But this one question was particularly relevant because of Title IX and women’s sports. Right now in college sports, big strong men who have transitioned to become women WHILE IN COLLEGE… are now allowed to play on the boy’s team one year and the girl’s team next. So  it has LITERALLY happened that several elite college women athletes have lost scholarships, money, and awards because they have been displaced by big strong men-taking-female-hormones. Look up big strong Lia Thomas… and by the way, the powers-that-be just nominated her for Woman of the Year. It’s true. This is not a joke. This is not the Babylon Bee.

To wrap up on the Birthing Person term, I’m thinking Hallmark must be excited about this… OR maybe not… Because NOW they can’t just have one large rack of “Mother’s Day cards,” I suppose they’ll have to allocate some oversized area to “Happy Birthing Person’s Day” cards. OR… maybe they’ll create a whole new holiday… who knows.

The bottom line on this is that the video above shows how the Progressive-Regressive Left has literally changed the dictionary to suit themselves and their mission — since they do not want to be known as the Fascists they are.  They are the source of constantly changing means and names and language….

And they do this for three reasons:

1) They do it to constantly keep people on edge, confused, upset or in judgment of others who do or do not use the new preferred terms. By keeping people worried and arguing, you can have more power over them as distinct from The People working together.

2) They do it to destroy any sense of tradition, attachment, and sense of self as they also want to destroy the family unit. They do not want people to have an actual grounded sense of identity, so they keep trying to destroy it.  Now this MIGHT be okay in a spiritual sense since we are spiritual beings anyway, but they are atheists, so they have no redeeming quality in that regard. They want to destroy your actual identity and leave you confused.

3) Most simply put, they want power. By constantly changing what is seen as right or wrong, they can make laws which they can then kick you out of things, cancel you, fire you, fine you or put you in jail. Yes, through teachers’ union they have tried to make it illegal to use the wrong preferred pronouns for kids in grade school and up and have prosecuted teachers who refuse to use new terminology, like a kid wanting to be called a “they.”

So what do we do to stay sane as we see through this particular Progressive-Regressive play? We must simply no accept their re-definition. We must stand up to stop the ridiculousness. We must not play their game.

HOWEVER… I believe in being sensitive to a given individual’s situation as described above if they are in a fringe minority, so the idea is not to disrespect an individual… but to protect our freedom as a whole. — FREEDOM: one of the golden values of the United States — we must not allow the Leftist Regressives to control the language and meaning of common, non-charged words. Don’t buy into it. Do not accept it. And be sure you know who you’re voting for so they don’t either.

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